Hey, its adminz!
Every website has rules and these are ours:
1. Watch your language! Your not the ONLY one to use our blog.
2.Keep your drama out!
3. You may advertise another blog or website but know your limit and live within it<3
4.Dont try and argue with the admins. period.
5. If u can try and enter our contests!
6.dont flood the chatroom
7. Have fun!
8. Don't make fun of ppl or anything like that or you will be banned!


Sunday 15 September 2013


    Hey guys, Jamie here. Wow it's been a while since I've said that.  So the reason our blog hasn't been updated in a while is the dreaded school (dun dun dun).  So now that I've been going to *horror voice* school again, I've been using instagram ( which for those of you who don't know, is an app, and website, where you can upload pictures and follow people, which just means you can se the pics they upload), and I thought to myself, " I need more followers" and then I thought about you readers, which made me think, " OMG! what if these people need followers too?!" and so I had this awesome idea (and yes I know its a little odd) to have a post where you guys can put in your instagram, twitter, what ever else yall play, name and you can get more followers!
     Ok. So no matter how awesome it is I have a few conditions. If you are to put a facebook name or kik or keek or whatever, try and be careful. If you have facebook for example, I would advise you only to put a page or something because if you become the next Amanda Todd and we hear you commited suicide because of someone who has stalked you, we want you to know that we actually did warn you, so you can't call the police on us.
      Secondly,.. yea I think that's basically it... Oh wait! Ok so we have decided to get a new instagram account for our blog and we will tell you guys about it when we make it. Also we are looking for a new admin and are open for offers. If you want to become our new admin, just comment your name below and answer the questions that are at the end of this post.
            That's it for now so BAII!!!!
                                                             - lots of love, Jamie
                               Admin Interview Questions
    1. Why do you want to be an admin?
    2. What will you do to make this a better blog?
    3. How awesome do you think we are? (joking, joking. don't answer that one)
   3. What makes you a good person to be an admin?


  1. Jamie here.
    Instagram: Jamie5553
    Pou(an app):Jamie5553
    Follow me!

    1. My Pou(ha sounds funny): teendream2013... dont ask me why i have it has that lol..

  2. instagram: average_asian_girl 1. i wanna be an admin because i need something to do, and plus i like to hang out around pervy ppl xD 2. ill make this a better blog by...making sure no dumbasses get on! ---sorry for the language--- and ill only ban and kick ppl who deserve it 3. "good" wouldnt be the type of word to describe me, but i can be good...sometimes...and i think i would make a good admin because i can post stuff daily, i usaully come here and i can make SURE there are no..."bad" ppl here -cough- alice -cough-

  3. otay... so here is ma admin thingy =D
    1. I would like to be an admin because I really don't have much to do at home and this would be an awesome thing for me to do. teehee =p
    2. I would post neat pages about stuff that yous can look at when your bored... you know, stuff like dat XD
    3.your pretty awesome. (hope I don't get disqualified for that one, lol.)
    3.what makes me a good purson... well I is nice and I don't cuss and I am pretty good at spelling.(theres a reason why im in advanced language) I might abbreaviate atuff tho... LIKE THT! ok I diid it agn. k ill stop xp.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and pou is a really awesome app actually you take care of some sort of alien thingy.

    1. wow I had so many typos in that.. hehe I wont mess up if I am an admin..

  4. i don't want to give away my instagram but if you want it email me and I will let you see it! - puppysnott
    too lazy to put in my google account.

  5. in case you want to... puppysnott@gmail.com
