Hey, its adminz!
Every website has rules and these are ours:
1. Watch your language! Your not the ONLY one to use our blog.
2.Keep your drama out!
3. You may advertise another blog or website but know your limit and live within it<3
4.Dont try and argue with the admins. period.
5. If u can try and enter our contests!
6.dont flood the chatroom
7. Have fun!
8. Don't make fun of ppl or anything like that or you will be banned!


Tuesday 23 January 2018

Happy 2018 LOL

Its been literally like three or four years (maybe five?) since this was made and honestly this website has went to shit??????? It was a nice ride though. I still check back sometimes to see if any of my old friend people still come here but it seems like no one cares or remembers here which is sad but like what will you do, ya know?
To everyone who has ever been on this website, thank you for your support. I hope you've made a friendship or two here.
To all my friends I let se this website in the future, hope you enjoy a couple laughs at how cringe i was when i was literally 12
To any old friends who see this, hey how you doin hope youre good.

This should also probably be the last post anyone ever makes here quite honestly seeing as im the only one with access who still checks? So um yea thanks bye

(Find me literally anywhere on the internet with @jaimemnl)